COMPRESSORTech2 Sourcing Guide is an annual comprehensive resource for comparative technical information on gas compressors, drivers and related machinery, systems and services.
Contents include:
- Basic machinery specification tables from all major machinery manufacturers.
- Selected excerpts from the Gas Processors Suppliers Association Engineering Data Book, 13th Ed. covering gas compression machinery fundamental principles, operation and applications.
- Manufacturer and vendor advertising sections offering additional product data, support information, ordering information and service capabilities.
The CTSG targets packagers, purchasers and training providers of gas compression products, technologies and systems. It includes ratings, specifications and editorial for all compressors and prime-movers. This information can also serve as a tutorial for anyone that needs information on the equipment found in a compressor package.
The markets covered in the CTSG include gas machinery used for onshore and offshore wellhead gas gathering, vapor recovery, natural gas transmission, gas storage, gas treatment, refineries and chemical and petrochemical plants. Service and support activities associated with gas handling machinery are also a part of the CTSG.
The CTSS is also part of our Partners In Training program. We send quantities to training providers who use it as reference material and hand out for students. College programs, technical school programs, OEM training programs, and for-profit training providers distribute the CTSG.
- The print version of the CTSG mails with the March issue of CompressorTech2 and is distributed at every tradeshow we attend.
- All of the product specifications and informative advertising content of the print edition appears in an interactive form online at www.compressortechsg.com. The website is periodically updated to include new products and companies.
Typical users include:
- Personnel seeking reliable information to specify, engineer, design, manufacture, build and purchase compressor packagers and related ancillary services and products.
- Fleet operators and technician looking to gain or refresh their understanding of compression technology.
Typical Advertisers include:
- Manufacturers of compressor technology
- Compressors
- Compressor systems
- Engines
- Gas and steam turbines
- Motors
- Drives
- Components
- Control and monitoring technology
- Engineering firms
- Packagers
- Training firms
- Consultants
- Service providers